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Read ConvenientStrangers (2012)

ConvenientStrangers (2012)

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc.

ConvenientStrangers (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

It was so stupid, feeling this nervous.
He used to look forward to this moment, excited to have the whole night spread out before him, full of possibilities. But this was his first evening out since he’d been dumped, his first time back at Hadley’s for a drink as a single guy since… Shit, since last November. Since the night he’d met David at this very bar and they’d gotten attached at the hip in hours flat.
Then attached at the mouth and the crotch, and soon enough the heart.
Thankfully never by a lease or by joint pet ownership, but still. Very, very attached. More attached than Adam knew you could get this quickly, but here he was, finally understanding why people got so mopey and annoying after breakups.
Screw it, though. Three weeks should be ample time to mourn a relationship of eight months. Long enough for the scab to form, even if the ache might stick around a while longer. It was time to get it together, remember how to flirt. Remind himself he still liked flirting, or at the very least still liked beer.

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