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Read Corps à Corps (2013)

Corps à corps (2013)

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Corps à Corps (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

4 Friends to Lovers with Hot Encounters * * * *Woot Woot- a fun, sexy, long-time friends to lovers tale. Perfect set up with newly married bride discovering her just married groom doing the nasty with her bridesmaid in the cloak closet at her reception! Yup... and the guy tries to make out it isn't what she thinks... The quote from our gal is so good... it is almost worth the price of admission. Best friend's brother... who always teased her growing up is there .... ready to save her from this c Rating: 3.5/5Review: This was an entertaining and my first novel by Christine Bell. She did well in the humour and jovial side of the characters' dialogue. Let's start off by saying that Lacey was a spitfire! Full of sass and confidence she was a kick ass female protagonist!! Not only this but her dialogue was spot on and had amazing dry humour! “Hi, Marty?” she said into the previously forgotten phone. “This is Lacey. You’re a lying piece of shit asshole.” ~ Lacey “What it looks like is that you’re having sex with one of my oldest friends in the linen closet of our reception hall. Unless, of course, she’s lost something in her vagina and you were gallant enough to try and fish it out for her. With your penis. If that’s the case, I suggest using a larger lure.” ~ LaceyBetween Lacey and Cat (the best friend) they had and always came up with funny nicknames for things such as: "Becca the Betrayer" for Becca, Lacey and Cat's now ex friend and "The Admiral" for Lacey's mother.Now, Galen was such a sweetheart, full of hot fiery passion!! Though Lacey is his sister's best friend, she's not his best friend and he felt things for her... He tried chivalry with Lacey but he always ended up finding something to perv about!! “Dear Satan. I don’t know why you’re testing me, but I don’t like it. No love, Galen.” ~ Galen “Getting drunk and embracing denial?” His lips quirked into a half grin. “Well then, I’m your man.” ~ Galen “The hard stuff is over. You dumped the groom, ran out on your wedding reception, and jumped on the back of a Harley in your slip. Then you got drunk and flew to Puerto Rico with your best friend’s older brother, who, incidentally, thinks you look smoking hot. Who’s got more balls than you?” ~ GalenThe only thing I would say... Annoyed me is that he called her squirt even after they professed love and were together. It seemed like a term of endearment for someone who isn't your lover. It seemed to me that he couldn't let go that she was his little sisters best friend whom he'd known his whole life. Even though I feel like there were things that could have been better explored, I think this was a good quick read, and if you like hot blunt challenging alpha male fighters, then this is your book.

What do You think about Corps à Corps (2013)?

cute i can't wait to read the next book

3.5 stars, sweet sexy funny read.

Fun and sexy read.

3.5 stars

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