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Read DORK Diaries, Band 03 : Nikkis (nicht Ganz So) Phänomenaler Auftritt (2000)

DORK Diaries, Band 03 : Nikkis (nicht ganz so) phänomenaler Auftritt (2000)

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DORK Diaries, Band 03 : Nikkis (nicht Ganz So) Phänomenaler Auftritt (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Ik vond het een leuk boek omdat het gaat over een niet zo geslaagd popidool. Dat is een onverwacht thema. De schrijfster deed me lachen omdat ze me op het verkeerde been zette en dan steeds met een verrassende wending op de proppen kwam. Bijvoorbeeld toen Nikki twee weken rondliep denkende dat ze een factuur moest betalen, en dat het dan een mopje was. Nikki kon er zelf ook om lachen. In dit derde deel van de 'Dagboek van een Muts'-reeks, komen nieuwe personages. Ik was de oude personages niet beu, maar ik vind het fijn om steeds nieuwe personages te leren kennen. In het vorige boek was er meer kennismaking en in dit boek meer verhaal. This book was fun, funny, and fast and easy to read. My 10 year old son especially enjoyed it. My 6 year old daughter also found it to be somewhat interesting. However, I found Nikki to be such a terrible person that I did not want to even finish the book. Though Mackenzie is set up as a bully and a horrible, shallow, though popular person, Nikki seems to do things that are just as horrible as the things Mackenzie does. And, Nikki is just as shallow. She also doesn't have any consequences for things such as lying, other than her nervousness and fear that people will find out. Everything works out perfectly for her.This is what appalled me the most: Nikki's little sister got a tiny spot of paint on one article of Nikki's clothing. Nikki freaked out about it, so her mom promised to replace whatever got paint on it. After this promise was made, Nikki secretly gave ALL of her clothing to her little sister to paint. Then, without admitting to her mom that she had given the clothing to her younger sister, she showed her mom that all of her clothes had paint on them and that she now needed a new wardrobe. She forced her mom to follow through on her promise to replace everything. Nikki's mom never finds out that Nikki purposely arranged for this to happen. Nikki never seems to feel any guilt about doing this, even though she says repeatedly throughout the book that her family doesn't have much money.I also didn't like Nikki's attitude towards her sister or the rest of her family. I have thought this before reading other Dork Diaries books, but chosen to ignore it. But really, Nikki is a terrible person. The book, while fun, isn't funny enough to make up for how horrible Nikki is.

What do You think about DORK Diaries, Band 03 : Nikkis (nicht Ganz So) Phänomenaler Auftritt (2000)?

Its really awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amazing book could not put down

My Favorite book!!


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