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Read Down And Dirty

Down and Dirty

Online Book

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Entangled Publishing (Brazen)

Down And Dirty - Plot & Excerpts

Shane’s arm tightened around her waist, and he dragged her closer, molding her back to his front. They hadn’t left each other’s arms for the past five hours except to wash up, and in spite of her professed fondness for sleeping alone, she’d never felt happier. A few orgasms, a warm man in her bed…it had been a long time since that had happened. And never both at the same time until now, she realized with a chuckle.
    “What’s so funny?” Shane whispered, tipping his head to press a warm kiss to her shoulder.
    “Oh, just thinking about self-administered orgasms and how nice it is to get them courtesy of someone else for a change.”
    “Well, feel free to take advantage. I’ve got an unlimited supply.”
    She pulled away then rolled in to face him. “I knew I liked you.”
    His face was sleepy and satisfied in the moonlight, and she traced the dark slash of his eyebrows with her index finger.

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