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Read Her Best Laid Plans (2014)

Her Best Laid Plans (2014)

Online Book

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Her Best Laid Plans (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

That night at the a bookend to when they’d first met. When she’d just landed, laying eyes on him had been a spark—a crackling, rousing attraction made of nothing but curiosity and mystery and what-ifs. This time she saw all that same beauty, but she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt what this man meant to her. No breathless questions about what they might find together, only the haunting knowledge of exactly how much she was about to lose.
    It was all Jamie’s fault, this shift. She could feel it. Connor had spooked her with his wishful pillow talk, but of course he hadn’t meant to. And he’d not jabbed that sore spot again in their final days together. He went back to how they’d been before that faux pas, teasing and flirtatious and fond, but Jamie just couldn’t find it in herself to join him. Not fully. The incident had made it all too real. Some part of her that she resented kept that window closed—a hard, invisible barrier that kept him from truly touching her, no matter how fully they bared their bodies to one another the night before she flew home.

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