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Read Highland Dawn (2000)

Highland Dawn (2000)

Online Book

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Highland Dawn (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Dartayous me dejo sin palabras justamente como me lo imagine desde el principio... y es que tengo una vena e imán pa descubrir a los malotes, serios y desgraciados pero que al final terminan siendo los que te mueven más que el prota cariñoso *suspiro* puedo decir sin temor a dudas que este es mi prota favorito de toda la serie.Moira me sorprendió por tanta cosa que traía cargando y como siempre la mas sumisilla es la peor! pero bueno... La historia me gusta, me hace acordarme de muchos cuentos de los que una solo llega a ver en los libros y la imaginación pero los cuales uno abraza con tanto amor como cabe en el corazón. So disappointed in this one. Had such high hopes. I loved Dartayous but was very disappointed in Moira. She was strong and confident in the first two books and then very wimpy in the her book. I get that we all falter from time to time, but she just never seemed to pick herself up. Her BIG secret that was hinted at throughout the whole book, I'm guessing was that fact that she wasn't as confident in herself as she leads everyone to believe, big deal, it's not that horrible of a secret. And then the fact the Frang would teach Dartayous to block mind intrusion and not Moira? Really? Then to top it all off, just as things are getting better, she starts to have feelings for the Lugus after he tried to kill both her sisters, kidnapped her, turned her against Dartayous and her family...PLEASE! Sorry, but having Lugus all of a sudden, with no reason start to feel remorse for all that he had done,...not so much. This story was a let down, but I completely love Dartayous, he was the books one saving grace.

What do You think about Highland Dawn (2000)?

glad to see that the 3 sisters all found there soul mates.can't wait to see what happens next

Awesome third book to the series!! The story keeps getting better and better...

This entire series is amazing. I hate that it might stop.

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