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Read Highland Nights (2000)

Highland Nights (2000)

Online Book

4.21 of 5 Votes: 1
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Highland Nights (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Good story. This whole 'don't kill MacNeil until the time it says in the prophecy' thing is getting irritating.. The 'cloaked figure' is irritating the bejeezus outta me. And these girls are pretty powerful, but seem to still get caught off guard.. At least this girl, Fiona, uses her powers to kick some arse. And of course the walking on water part was pretty cool too. Gregor came across as some puney boy in the first book. But now he's some great, super sexy warrior. Glad he came around to the good side and put his past where it belongs and dealt with his guilt and grief. And go Fiona for going after what you want in the beginning. Loved to see Her seduce Him, for a change. I love this series...I truly do but (and it's nothing major but still!) the typos in the first three books of this series are driving me nuts! Donna Grant tells a great story and her characters are wonderful but please, please hire a new proof-reader! The only reason I gave this book 3 stars is because of the typos. If a reader is not paying attention, some of these errors could really lead them astray.

What do You think about Highland Nights (2000)?

i enjoyed so glad that the 3 sisters where can't wait to see what happens nexted.

Decent story, shame about the predictability.

3.5 stars, review to come...


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