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Read His Thirty-Day Fiancee

His Thirty-Day Fiancee

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His Thirty-Day Fiancee - Plot & Excerpts

Kate washed down the bite of chocolate rum cake with sparkling water. She was hungrier than she’d realized, having skipped supper due to nerves over crashing the Medina party.
Sipping from her crystal goblet, she opted for the Fuiggi water rather than the red wine. She needed to keep her mind clear around Duarte, especially after that kiss.A promise of temporary pleasures that could lead to a host of regrets.Footsteps sounded in the hall, a near-silent tread she was beginning to recognize as his. Would he go to his suite or stop by her room? He’d said he wanted to talk through details about their supposed dating past before they faced the world.He stopped outside her door. Her toes curled. She licked her fork clean quickly and pushed away from the small table. Her shoes? Where had she ditched them before digging into her meal?The door swung open.Time had run out so she stayed seated, tucking her bare feet underneath the chair. Duarte filled the open frame to her room, blocking out the world behind him, reminding her that they were completely alone with each other and the memory of one unforgettable kiss.

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