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Read Honorable Intentions (2012)

Honorable Intentions (2012)

Online Book

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Honorable Intentions (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Her flesh was on fire from months, years of wanting Hank.
    And here in her dream world she could have him.
    They could make love under a sprawling oak tree with twinkling lights that echoed the sparks of desire crackling through her. She could almost feel the silky inside of his leather jacket, spread on the ground beneath her. She could stroke and savor the hard planes of his chest as he loomed over her, thrusting into her, filling her, taking her so close to the edge of completion.
    Her body burned for the fulfillment only he could offer. She moaned her need for him to take her the rest of the way there, not to leave her hungry, hurting, wanting… .
    Gabrielle bolted upright in bed, the scent of leather still lingering from her dream. Her dream that had been cut short before she’d reached satisfaction.
    Blinking fast against the bright morning sun streaking through the window, she struggled to orient herself.

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