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Hotshot - Plot & Excerpts

The receiver rattled to rest beside soda cans and a used condom.He ducked back into a shadowy alley beside the crappy corner market run by a snarky old bitch who stroked her Louisville Slugger anytime he walked through the door. He normally wouldn’t come near this store at all anymore, but he could see the community center good from this spot.He could see her. Shay.The fan in her window swirled the light along the sidewalk. The pieces of her tall shadow were chopped up by the blades and spat outside along with the glow.Was the skinny chick reckless or just plain stupid? Didn’t she know how dangerous it was to sit like that with the window open? Anybody could climb through and pin her to the floor before she could even shout rape. And the center’s old rent-a-cop couldn’t find his ass with both shaking hands, much less handle the nightstick he carried.Like the billy club would protect anybody against knives or guns anyway. Did she think she was safe just because she wasn’t a big-boobed street corner skank?

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