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Read Passion Ignites

Passion Ignites

Online Book

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St. Martin's Press

Passion Ignites - Plot & Excerpts

The once beautiful ancient city had taken a battering from the Dark. After the building Lexi had been in was destroyed, the Dark moved to other areas of the city and began to ravage it.
The rain was coming faster, hitting his skin like pellets. Wind whipped around him, as if urging him to shift and take to the sky. He glanced about for humans. How many times had they taken precautions so that the mortals wouldn’t see them?
How many times had they not been able to shift because the humans were too close?
Now, not one of the mortals was paying attention. Con was already flying over the city. Thorn could see a hint of gold scales through the clouds.
Thorn could finally focus on the task at hand like he had before he saw Lexi the first time. It was a relief that she was completely out of danger at Dreagan. Finally, she was well and truly safe.
He jumped and shifted at the same time. His wings unfurled and caught the wind. It took him straight up to the clouds.
“Ready?” Con asked.
Thorn circled the warehouse to make sure no one had seen him.

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