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Read Rescue Me (2014)

Rescue Me (2014)

Online Book

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Penguin Group, USA

Rescue Me (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

If only I knew the rules of the game.
    —HOLLY SHIVERING, MARY HANNAH tugged her black knit hat over her ears as she walked down the steps to meet the Roberts family for a training session with Barkley. They’d called her from the front security gate. She watched as they drove down the long, icy drive in their new van designed for a wheelchair.
    The past couple of weeks had been a hectic rush of seeing clients during office hours, plus working in the evening and on weekends to prepare Holly and Barkley for the My Furry Valentine Mutt Makeover. They had a month left, and Holly was having nothing to do with the agility course.
    Just seeing her happy and playful, though? Mary Hannah found that to be a bigger victory than jumping over any PVC pipe.
    Her snow boots crunched into the snow at the base of the stairs. The Saturday-morning sun crested, reflecting noon rays off the fresh dusting of snow.

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