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Snakeroot - Plot & Excerpts

His face was world-weary and his every movement stilted by frustration. At least he was telling her it was about the mission and nothing else. He didn’t bring up the training session. Neither did she.“It’s not your fault he got away,” Adne told Connor. “Logan’s always been slippery. Saving his own skin is his raison d’être.”“I know that,” Connor said, shrugging off his duster. “I don’t even know if we should bother chasing down Keepers. In fact, because it’s what Holt wants us to be doing, I’m kind of convinced it must be a terrible idea. And given the way he ransacked that house tonight, I’d almost be afraid to see him catch up with a Keeper. But I can’t help thinking . . .”“What?” Adne knew Connor too well not to notice that he’d cut his thought off prematurely, which meant he was hiding something.Connor shook his head. “It’s nothing.”“The nothing is bothering you,” Adne replied. “Just tell me.”With a sigh, Connor smiled at her.

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