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Read The Proposal

The Proposal

Online Book

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The Proposal - Plot & Excerpts

It weighed nothing, but my hand shook. Hell, my hand shook so badly that I barked out a dry laugh that cracked like thunder as I stood in my childhood bathroom.
I’d never been this nervous before. Jesus. I should’ve taken out stock in the brand of deodorant I used. It was crazy.
This whole thing was insane. A year ago I never would’ve thought I’d be minutes from getting down on one knee like one of those guys in those corny ass jewelry commercials. Never thought that would be me, but there was a knot in my throat the size of a soccer ball, & the nervous energy was part excitement, part dread, because she could always say no.
And that would be seven circles of hell kind of awkward with my whole family downstairs. How many circles of hell were there? Wait. Dammit. Why was I even thinking about that right now? Dragging my gaze to the mirror over the sink, I looked like I was seconds from walking off a cliff. Would she think this was too soon? I knew she loved me. No doubt in my mind.

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