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Read The Tempted

The Tempted

Online Book

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DL Grant, LLC

The Tempted - Plot & Excerpts

He tried going different directions each time, but every dawn he found himself back at the castle hoping for a glimpse of Morvan.
He’d stayed at the castle longer than he should have, especially since there seemed to be someone following him. Stefan briefly contemplated waiting for whoever it was, but he didn’t want to fight. He just wanted to see Morvan.
As the dawn of the fifth day came, Stefan walked from the trees across the open plain to stop a cart that had just come from the castle.
“Good morn,” he called to the elder man, putting a smile on his face though he felt like anything but smiling.
The man nodded in return. “Good morn.”
“There’ve been rumors around that someone from the MacKay clan has come to the castle. Is it true?”
The old man looked back at the castle for a moment. “Aye. It’s a woman who came. It must be bad at the MacKay clan for their people to begin coming to Ravensclyde.”
Stefan patted the horse pulling the cart. “What does the laird say?”

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