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Read The Whitby Witches 3: The Whitby Child (2014)

The Whitby Witches 3: The Whitby Child (2014)

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The Whitby Witches 3: The Whitby Child (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

In her other hand she gripped the handles of a capacious brown shopping bag that had seen better days and was bound around and patched with various coloured tapes.
    It had been another wet morning, yet she was not one to mind a little bit of rain. The nun enjoyed the feel of the drops plopping on to her upturned face and would often hold her mouth open to by and catch them.
    Into the centre of every puddle she stamped her enormous feet, smiling broadly to herself with each satisfying splash.
    She was a bizarre figure: of all the nuns in the convent of the West Cliff, Sister Frances was undoubtedly the most unusual. Attached to those great, gauche feet were a pair of long, stalk-like legs that were perpetually hidden within thick black woollen stockings, through which her lumpy knees protruded like a couple of gnarled and bulbous potatoes.
    The nun's body was straight as a plank and from the collar of her habit her neck stretched and tapered up to a long gawky head which always seemed to be grinning like a laughing mannequin at a fairground.

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