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Read A Beautiful Lie

A Beautiful Lie

Online Book

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A Beautiful Lie - Plot & Excerpts

Brady asked as he picked up the cell phone he’d dropped when Garrett had come barreling around the corner.“Talking to Milo,” Garrett growled.  “What’s going on?  Did you find out anything?”Brady took a step past Garrett to peer around the corner and saw Milo and Parker talking in front of the Villa about a hundred yards away.  Satisfied everything looked okay, he moved back in front of Garrett.“I called a few of my contacts and word on the street is there was a very top secret, unofficial mission here in the Dominican involving someone from our SEAL division. It was an undercover operation that had been in place for at least six years. There was never a paper trail because it was not a government sanctioned mission, so we can only go by word of mouth at this point.  About a year ago, critical information about the mission was leaked and supposedly, the undercover SEAL was compromised. According to the official reports, Milo was sent to the Dominican at that time to clean up a ‘routine mission that went awry.'  At least seventy-five percent of the report is blacked out.  There was definitely something in that report no one was supposed to know about.

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