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Read Seduzione Deliziosa (2014)

Seduzione deliziosa (2014)

Online Book

4.24 of 5 Votes: 1
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Seduzione Deliziosa (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I'm not really sure how I felt about this book! I loved the story itself and was executed really well, no big misunderstanding and drama,loved ALL the characters, it would have been 5* for me if it hadn't been so extremely vulgar. Well, the language was very vulgar, to the point that it was nauseating. There were times when it was hysterical, so much that I had to stop and control my fits of laughter. There were also a lot of comedy that felt forced, trying just a bit too hard. So I guess I loved and hated this book at the same time, a new one for me. I've been looking for a humorous, sexy, funny book since I finished Elle Caseys and L.A. Roses books respectively. And OH my lord have I found it. I was worrying that my (danish) humor was not translateable to the booklists found on this site. I have tried quite a few books from the various humorous/sexy/funny booklists found here, and I did not find them funny at all. I deselected this book more than once, thinking the whole kid-thing in the plot was not for me, but BOY was I wrong. I was laughing so much I was crying, and when I wasn't laughing I was snorting and chuckling and grinning like an idiot! This book has it all, humor, romance, sexy-times, a great set of characters and development. Great, great book!!

What do You think about Seduzione Deliziosa (2014)?

This book was trying sooo hard to be funny it just wasn't. It ended up being annoying.



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