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Read Shame On Him (2014)

Shame on Him (2014)

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Montlake Romance

Shame On Him (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Lorelei wasn't a very likable heroine. She was frosty and came off a little stuck up. I know it's part of her backstory, what with having such uptight parents and all, but I just didn't like her. I mean, the woman didn't curse for like, 85% of the book - which is fine, obviously -- then she grows a backbone, tells her parents to fuck off, and starts cursing like a sailor for the final 15%. It's one thing to have a change of heart about your priorities in life and career, it's another act completely OOC and take things to the extremes. It was very OTT.The case/mystery was fairly interesting but I found Lorelai's tactics to be immoral. She pretty much outted two men just because she thought their being in the closet was related to her case. Lorelei wants to prove herself, to herself, her parents, her friends that are part of the company that they've started together and most of all to Dallas, a competitor PI. He's arrogant and pigheaded but she just cant not look away when his perfect ass is in sight. A simple subpena leads into something that she thinks could get her noticed and finally show off her skills. But Dallas is always one step ahead of her and when she thinks she's got the lead he's right there to catch her when she falls. Loved the love hate thing these 2 had going on. Made for lots of sexual tension.Again, another short and fun read. Keep em coming Tara. I'll read whatever you write :)

What do You think about Shame On Him (2014)?

Shame on you, Shame on me & Shame on him are all fun/sexy reads...

This trilogy is so much fun to read. It makes you want more.

Another HILARIOUSLY fun read from Tara Sivec!!!

Cute, quick read....

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