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Read Intrigo Delizioso (2014)

Intrigo delizioso (2014)

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Intrigo Delizioso (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Ok guys, they're back! And I hope like hell you read book #1 in this series. If your sense of humor did not fit well with Seductions and Snacks, it will most definitely not fit here. You have been warned and I must say, if by the crazy chance you didn't find the first book funny, your friendship with me would be in question. Let's go.Once again, this book is told through the POV of Claire and Carter. This series is an example of a reader getting lost in a book and at some point wishing is was some sort of reality. I did a little research on the internet to see if there is even talk to turn this book into a movie and couldn't find anything regarding it, but I personally think that this series would make a much better TV series, on like HBO of course. I can only dream that someone will get their paws on this and make it to where I'm tuning in once a week and waiting for it to go to Netflix, oohh, that's who should make into a series: Netflix. Ok, someone needs to get this ball rolling.There have NEVER been truer feelings written than the ones that Claire has in the first few pages of this book. The last book left us with Claire announcing to Gavin that they would be moving in with Carter. As this book begins, Claire is fantasizing about different ways to choke Carter. I know, funny, right? Truth is, it's only because of his snoring and her lack of sleep. I for one can say, that we've all been there. Maybe not choke, but roll of the bed with the force of a dump truck.Just like the last book, this book will focus on the growing relationship between Carter and Claire, but will also focus on the relationship of the whole group. We will see the planning of, as well as the nuptials of Jim and Liz. There will be an out of control co-bachelor/bachelorette parties that will have you tearing up with laughter. A meeting of the parents (Carter's that is) that will have you double checking Facebook, just to be safe and extra careful about who you friend request.Seduction and Snacks is up and running and doing very well. Claire is finally getting everything she wished for or is she? Does she want marriage or is she too fearful of turning out like her mom and dad? So, of course their relationship would need to move forward, especially with Claire and Gavin moving in with Carter. One of the central stories in this book is Carter wanting to propose to Claire. During Carter's POV, we see the hard work that he puts into the proposals (yes, there are several attempts) while Claire unknowingly shoots them down. Through Claire's POV, we learn that marriage isn't something she thinks she wants. Because of this, there is a wishful/suspicious porn addiction and Claire's crazy hormones making her think that Carter isn't interested anymore.I won't give away what there is to give away in this book. Just know that the craziness didn't stop with the first book. This book is going to bring you pot cookies, dinner roll baseball, Claire's crazy mom, an unforgettable trip to the sex toy store, and once again the foul mouth of Gavin.What I really love about this book, is it really is a great love story. One of the reasons I love reading a book that has both POV's is because, like with this book, you can see how much Carter really loves Claire and Gavin. But for me, it wasn't just a romantic love story, it's a love story among friends. The dynamic between these characters that Tara Sivec was able to capture in words made the story believable. I love reading fiction and I know that it is a fantasy, but I use my imagination so much when I read that I like to think it could be true and she does that. You can't help but really connect to everyone of these characters. While the focus of the first two books have been on Claire and Carter, I think that the supporting characters really round out the depth of this series. As crass and crude as Drew can be, I couldn't imagine him written any other way. I actually know people who have no idea how to use the words that are coming out of their mouths. Not as extreme as Jenny, but still makes you look at them, like WTF? This series just keeps getting better and better, even after reading it over and over. So, thank you Tara Sivec, for allowing me to escape from time to time, even if it's just for one chapter, but really, can it ever be just one chapter? Again I almost peed my pants from laughing too much. I loved this book. I loved that I was able too see what happened to all of the characters after the ending of the first one. I was truly pleased with this book. It was a great sequel to the first one. In my opinion Tara Sivec should just continue writing books based on these characters. Without a doubt I would read them all. If you loved the first book in these series you should totally read this one.

What do You think about Intrigo Delizioso (2014)?

Got the book for $1.99 on audible and listened while quilting--glad I didn't pay more.

A perfect ending for Claire and Carter and their potty mouth son Gavin..:)

Not as funny as the first book....but still a fun read.

This book was so funny. I loved it!

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