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Read Hearts And Llamas (2000)

Hearts and Llamas (2000)

Online Book

4.26 of 5 Votes: 4
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Hearts And Llamas (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

This is a short (i.e. about 20 pages) story which I read to finish off the series. I am not a short story person. I never seem to get anything out of them. So my comments need to be read in light of that. This story was set after book 3 and had the main cast of characters from the series discussing Valentine's Day. This book made me feel nothing....well actually it made me dislike Claire a little bit more (which is really heart breaking as I loved the character of Claire after book 1). I don't mean to be harsh, but there was really no point to this story. It was pointless. The $1 would probably have been better spent on a cup of coffee. It would have probably lasted longer and given me some a caffeine buzz rather than a feeling of numb with a dash of disappointment. 4.5 stars. Hilarious, I laughed so hard, that I had to stop reading. The llama OMG, the western theme song. Absolutely funny, I truly love them! I have admit, I have not read the last book because I am trying to savior it. Cheers and Bravo to the author, truly enjoy these book. By far you and R.L. Mathewson, are up the hilarious authors I truly enjoy to read your books. Keep them coming! Applause!

What do You think about Hearts And Llamas (2000)?

Very funny and a great addition go the Chocolate Lovers Series!!!

More laughs in a few pages. Just great. Loved it.

Perfectly light read

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