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Read Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, And Inappropriate Behavior (2013)

Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, and Inappropriate Behavior (2013)

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1490436588 (ISBN13: 9781490436586)
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, And Inappropriate Behavior (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I read this series a while back and as much as I love this series, I remember why I didn’t care for it so much to the first time. I felt that there was way to much cussing and way to many things that normal adults my age wouldn’t say. And as cute as Gavin was I wouldn’t have let him talk the way he did about a lot of things. He was one violent spoken child. Anyways other than that I loved the fact that Carter and Claire found each other again and that they got their happiness. I was also glad that they didn’t have a huge drama fest that left them not together for a while. While most of the things they said and did were funny it was really hard for me to connect with them due to the maturity of it. That is why I only gave this four stars. I am still thinking about reading the next spin off series for their children. I will however say that some of my favorite lines come from Gavin: "Hey, Carter, I'm team Jacob bitch!" and then my next favorite; "Get me some scissors, a razor blade, a jar of peanut butter and some safety goggles,' Gavin says coming up next to us. 'I got this one.'" That kids funny sometimes. >>Seduction and SnacksOMG. This has to be one of the funniest books I have every read. From Drew's shirts to 4-year old Gavin's mouth to vaginas and sex toys, I could hardly stop laughing. There is great chemistry between Claire and Carter and very little drama. There is a great host of characters that kept me laughing and a fun love story. I don't seriously think that the stuff Gavin says is acceptable for a 4 year old but in the context of the fictional story I laughed out loud.I will definitely read this again and will recommend it. it ended on such a high that I'm not sure if I want to be continue the series yet.>>Future and FrostingThis book is crazy funny. I was laughing out loud. It is the continuation of the love story between Carter and Claire as they experience living together and planning for Liz and Jim's wedding. The reason I only give it 3 stars is that I thought it dragged on. I loved how Carter proposed but I was like 'finally' by the time it happened. I found myself skipping text in an attempt to hurry along the story. I was definitely entertained by the humor. I'm still laughing at 'anal flaccid shock'. this book also has some obvious spelling/grammar errors. I don't recall noticing any/many in the first book. I was satisfied at the conclusion of the first book so unless you just want some good LOL humor, I would skip this one.

What do You think about Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, And Inappropriate Behavior (2013)?

I loved this series. All of the characters are so well written, and so fricken hilarious!

If you want a good laugh, this is the series for you. Hilarious from beginning to end!

Omg I died laughing reading this series!!! I would give it 10 stars if I could!!

Very enjoyable read.

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