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Read All Or Nothing

All or Nothing

Online Book

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All Or Nothing - Plot & Excerpts

Her teeth chattered with fear for her husband. She’d barely had time to process Anthony’s confusing call before the alarm had blared. Conrad had hooked an arm around her waist, rushed her indoors and opened the panic room. He ushered her in and passed over a card with instructions for how to leave...
    If he didn’t return...
    Horror squeezed her heart in an icy fist with each minute that ticked by. She’d already been in here for what felt like hours, but the clock on her cell phone indicated it had only been sixteen minutes.
    Someone was trying to break in and there was nothing she could do except sit in this windowless prison while the man she loved faced heaven only knew what kind of danger. Desperately, she wanted to be out there with him, beside him. But Colonel Salvatore had been right. She was Conrad’s Achilles’ heel. If he had to worry about her, he would be distracted.
    She understood that problem well.

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