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Defender - Plot & Excerpts

Antialcohol meds be damned, he had a buzz worthy of any frat rush.He braced a hand on the corridor wall, the evening at the Oasis rolling through his mind as fast as the floor undulated beneath his feet. When he left, Nunez had still been at the bar waiting around for some waitress. Not a bad gig, getting to flirt with pretty women.If it weren’t for the fact any of those women might be out to slit your throat. Now, that was a sobering thought.The tile floor steadied under him, and he picked up speed rounding a corner, the hall empty and silent other than the low drone of the television in the commons room. He welcomed the chance to help find their friend, and he wasn’t exactly a novice at this sort of thing. He’d done plenty of “spooking around” in the military test world. Secret meetings with heads of state for briefings on new test projects. Traveling to other countries for additional meetings with generals overseas.Patience paid off, and all things told, this op would move fast.

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