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Read Double Threat My Bleep (2012)

Double Threat My Bleep (2012)

Online Book

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1456403273 (ISBN13: 9781456403270)

Double Threat My Bleep (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Continuing with my mission to read all of Julie Pretsater's books, I completely ate up Double Threat My Bleep. Our little Meggie has managed to get through her first year of high school. Sometimes I wondered how she endured the crazy that was her Freshman year but then I remembered my experiences and that like Meg family and TRUE friendship can help you endure almost anything. Meg continues to face major life decisions that seem to be almost too much for such a young girl, especially when the cutie Travis starts making his crush known. Thankfully the crew is there to keep it all in perspective. And of course, Alex is only a text away.... When i fount out Alex and Meggie was back together in this sequel i wasn't surprised, it did have a few surprises but i thought it was just too predictable and the ending didn't really bother me, if anything i was happy for the girls and that they all had each other and there "SLY" -But then i started reading the first chapter of the last book and OMMMGGGG IM LITERALLY DYING TO KNOW WHATS ABOUT TO HAPPEN NEXT, why couldnt this have happened in the ending of "Double Threat My Bleep" :( ... This is why i hate cliff hangers uurgh, looks like ill be getting the third book, thanks alot Julie haha ;)

What do You think about Double Threat My Bleep (2012)?

This books is just a sequel to so i'm a double threat.

Book #2 did not disappoint : ) Julie P you rock !!

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