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Read Double Threats Forever (2012)

Double Threats Forever (2012)

Online Book

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Double Threats Forever (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Ooooohhhh, great finish to the series! I especially loved the Epilogue, it's been a while since I've read a book with an Epilogue like this one, if I even get an Epilogue that is. Most authors don't seem to believe in them. Don't they see that it's a wonderful tool to tie up loose ends and give a well rounded feeling to their stories?!?!?!Anyways, now I'm left wondering if the author might create a series and start it off where the Epilogue left off. That would be so cool!! 5 Amazing Stars!Lastly, we have Double Threats Forever, book 4, the final book in this series and I have to say that Julie Prestsater saved the best for last. Alex and Megan have found their way back to one another. Senior year has started and the end is in sight. It is time to start thinking about their future and whether they have what it takes to continue on this journey together. Ben has decided to join the military, crushing Megan. He has always been there for her. He is more like an older brother, he has watched over her since Alex went away to school. Now the tables are turned and Megan worries about him. The days of chatting and seeing him are gone, until he completes boot camp. But Megan could not be more proud of him for choosing to serve is country and she fully supports his decision. With senior year comes all the crazy college choices and the time that all the girls and their friends really start to grow up. Helping one another to decide where they want to go with their life and if they will continue to be apart of that process. Alex is nearly done with college and there relationship is about to change. Megan is no longer a young girl, she is a young woman. Who Alex could not be prouder of. Their love for one another has continued to grow and develop over the past three years and they know that their "Someday" is in sight.

What do You think about Double Threats Forever (2012)?

I love when the author gives me what I want after I have invested so much time in the series.


Love love this series, so cute and loved that we got the future of what happens = )

Very hard to read with all of the grammatical errors. Does she have an editor?

epilogue was awesome!

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