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Read Straddling The Edge (2000)

Straddling the Edge (2000)

Online Book

4.18 of 5 Votes: 2
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Straddling The Edge (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Just one word: Dean ♥. I love him and Summer I forgive you. Thanks Julie for showing us a different side of Summer and for Dean. Like you said at the end of this book I also thought Matty was the best (Tyler is awesome too) but Dean just won my heart. I want to implement some of his surprises ideas, they're just great and super romantic. I reaaaaaallyyy don't like Chase, he's an idiot and I'm seriously debating if I want to read his book or not. Against the wall have become one of favorite series!!!! I love this series. It's so easy to read and love the characters. They crack me up. Everyone of the books in this series has me keeping a smile on my face. That alone is 5 star worthy. It's mushy, and cheesy at times but it works. If I could have a Dean in my life, I would be in heaven. I love how we knew nothing about Summer really and my whole mindset changed about her quickly. It's kind of like real life with her, believing the gossip without asking questions. I wish I had friends like these.

What do You think about Straddling The Edge (2000)?

Oh Dean! I didn't think I could fall in love with anyone but Matty! BUT OH MY DEAN!

Can't believe it, but I really did like Summer by the end of the book :)

Loved getting to finally see Summer's side of things!!!

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