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Julie Prestsater books

Julie Prestsater
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Read Books by Julie Prestsater


So I'm a Double Threat (2010)

I started out HATING the main character. Honestly. She was very annoying and I could only pray she grew up fast. I saw her grow as a person, and while some of her habits that could get her in trouble stayed, her attitude matured. I was disappointed that all the partying and drinking didn't show r...

So I'm a Double Threat (2010) by Julie Prestsater

Straddling the Edge (2000)

Just one word: Dean ♥. I love him and Summer I forgive you. Thanks Julie for showing us a different side of Summer and for Dean. Like you said at the end of this book I also thought Matty was the best (Tyler is awesome too) but Dean just won my heart. I want to implement some of his surprises ide...

Straddling the Edge (2000) by Julie Prestsater

Double Threat My Bleep (2012)

Continuing with my mission to read all of Julie Pretsater's books, I completely ate up Double Threat My Bleep. Our little Meggie has managed to get through her first year of high school. Sometimes I wondered how she endured the crazy that was her Freshman year but then I remembered my experiences...

Double Threat My Bleep (2012) by Julie Prestsater

Playing Chase (2013)

My hat is off to Julie Prestsater. Not only did she take a take a huge douche like Chase and make him the poster boy for all douches but then she turns us around and explains why he acts the way he does. And in an absolutely believable way no less. Chase Marino has left a trail of broken heart...

Playing Chase (2013) by Julie Prestsater

Double Threats Forever (2012)

Ooooohhhh, great finish to the series! I especially loved the Epilogue, it's been a while since I've read a book with an Epilogue like this one, if I even get an Epilogue that is. Most authors don't seem to believe in them. Don't they see that it's a wonderful tool to tie up loose ends and giv...

Double Threats Forever (2012) by Julie Prestsater

More Than A Friend Request (2012)

I loved reading this book! It's a fun and easy read. I liken it to stepping inside a rom/com movie. It's endearing and so stupidly sweet that I think I got a cavity. Most of it is so ridiculously over the top. It's definitely one of those 'it could only happen in a perfect world' stories- but it ...

More Than A Friend Request (2012) by Julie Prestsater

Without You

We were all on cloud nine and the day was just getting started. The reception would continue with dinner, the traditional wedding routines, and lots of dancing. It was essentially an adult prom, nothing different than we what did in high school. The only difference was that we didn’t have to snea...

Without You by Julie Prestsater

Hope Falls: Hearts Afire (Kindle Worlds Novella)

That’s what Katie would say. Casey was waiting outside the Mountain Meadows B&B, hoping she’d be coming out soon. He’d been sitting on the porch for a little over fifteen minutes trying to catch his running partner before she headed out to the lodge. Now that he could barely feel his toes, he...

Hope Falls: Hearts Afire (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Julie Prestsater

Against the Wall

Again. But this time I really want to go. I’m not going to pout as I get dressed. I’m not second guessing my motives. The idea of going out on a real date with my new boyfriend couldn’t make me feel any happier. It’s funny, really. Since last week when Matty and I finally confessed our love for e...

Against the Wall by Julie Prestsater

Double Time

My feet feel heavy as I follow Amy into the clinic. I’ve been here before but, under these circumstances, the place feels completely foreign. Amy checks in at the counter, signing in on a chart, and finds a seat near the door. Is she gonna bolt? I sit next to her, feeling the subtle buzz of my ch...

Double Time by Julie Prestsater

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