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Read Futures And Frosting (2000)

Futures and Frosting (2000)

Online Book

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Futures And Frosting (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The laughs and the craziness from Seductions and Snacks continue here in Futures and Frostings and Tara Sivec seriously knows how to write FUNNNY!!The story continues with Claire and Carter journey in getting to know each other from where they left off in book 1. I was so glad for the dual POV here because despite the comedy if it was told just from Claire's POV, I would have gone crazy with worry!!!The proposal was a long time coming but boy was it worth it. It was perfect and one that will not be easily forgottenThe entire gang are back and are as funny as ever. Together with Carter, Claire,and her parents they are all one big dysfunctional, crazy, funny and loyal group and this was a really great read. OK, people... I think I peed my pants with laughter during the back-door bus action, even on a re-read.Just read it, just do it, assuming you put on your big girl panties, like chocolate, like hearing the words 'penis' and 'vagina', have a sense of humor, and don't mind reading about consumption of pot cookies. If you have a stick shoved up were the sun don't shine- then a. what are you doing reading my review and b. just step away from the book and back away slowly.*Warning: may cause urination from constant laughter.Audio Narrator: OK. Not 100% fabulous, but definitely worked well for the book.

What do You think about Futures And Frosting (2000)?

I love a book that can make me laugh and fall in love with the characters.

this people are just amazing, you just can't stop laughing at them

This Author has never failed to make me near cry with laughter!

Tara you are killing me!!!!!!! I give this author

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