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Guardian - Plot & Excerpts

But work didn’t disappear, even on weekends. She reclined on the beach lounger with a legal pad, brainstorming a list of questions for cross-exam on Monday, while David swung a golf club, hitting practice balls along the shore.
On her other side, the children played tag football with Madison and Geoffrey Vaughn. Her boss had been surprised at her change of locale for the weekend but expressed concern over the car accident. He’d agreed it was better to be safe than sorry, and if she needed somewhere else to stay, to consider his house available. Geoffrey had been flexible about adding Haley Rose to his plans to play catch with Brice—except Madison couldn’t catch, so they’d swapped to tag football.
And David had been adamant about not discussing the case in front of Vaughn. Which seemed silly considering any information she had, her boss could access. But they’d plowed through files this morning. She needed time for the information to shuffle around in her head until it slid together to form a complete picture.

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