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Read Midnight's Captive (2013)

Midnight's Captive (2013)

Online Book

4.39 of 5 Votes: 3
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1250017270 (ISBN13: 9781250017277)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Midnight's Captive (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Warning!!!! Midnight's Captive is smoking HOT!!!! I'm rating this 5 stars because that's just the limit Goodreads provides but it is a solid 5 stars. What I didn't see coming in this story was the reunion between the Dark Warriors and the Dark Kings. Wowza!! Charon and Laura by far are my two favorite characters but Charon is my ultimate favorite Dark Warrior. (note to self, you've mentioned this after each of the Dark Warrior stories and about each of the leading men - fickle I know) NOT this time, Charon continues to be tortured about what happened when he was held captured by Deidre. He never fully forgave his role in what he did to the other warriors while in Deidre's prison which in the present time, he won't allow himself to be close to the other Dark Warriors and their families which leaves himself standing on the sidelines, watching and always looking in but never getting close. He does help whenever another warrior is in trouble. Not much is known of Laura's past but for some inexplicable reason, Charon is drawn to Laura. What begins between them both starts out as friendship and as the story develops, you see them becoming more drawn to each other. No spoilers as you'll read why. Well, we thought Deidre was the worst of the evil doers until Declan came along and with them both pairing up, the warriors knew what they were battling but still they posed dire threats. Not so with Jason Wallace. He is evil incarnate. Oh and those vial, nasty selmyr creatures make the werrins look like little toys nasties which were lethal but small potatoes compared to the selmyr. Truly a gripping, action packed, steamy, smexy read from beginning to end. I want more Donna, more!!! There was so much that went on in this novel for the Dark Warrior World. This novel introduces our sexy Dragon Kings fully into the DW world and we see another Warrior fall to the mating bug. On that note, Laura, the heroine, of this tale, is one of the most unassuming of all the mates so far, she kind of faded into the background for me. I guess they all cannot be royal P.I.A., huh? Just kidding.

What do You think about Midnight's Captive (2013)?

Two love stories. New allies. Escape, betrayal, new discoveries.

Charon - Laura (Aiden - Britt)

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