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Read Microsoft Word - Catherine Mann - Landis Brothers 4 - Rich Man's Fake Fiancee.docx

Microsoft Word - catherine mann - landis brothers 4 - rich man's fake fiancee.docx

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Microsoft Word - Catherine Mann - Landis Brothers 4 - Rich Man's Fake Fiancee.docx - Plot & Excerpts

Having him walk out on her before daylight.
Ashley Carson tensed under her down comforter. Through the veil of her eyelashes, she watched her new lover quietly zip his custom-fit pants. She’d taken a bold step—unusual for her—by falling into bed with Matthew Landis the night before. Her still-tingly sated body cheered the risk. Her good sense, however, told her she’d made a whopper mistake with none other than South Carolina’s most high-profile senatorial candidate.
Moonlight streaked through the dormer window, glinting off his dark hair trimmed short but still mussed from her fingers.
Broad shoulders showcased his beacon white shirt, crisp even though she’d stripped it from him just hours ago when their planning session for his fund-raiser dinner at her restaurant/home had taken an unexpected turn down the hall to her bedroom.
Matthew may have been dream material, but safely so since she’d always thought there wasn’t a chance they could actually end up together. She preferred a sedentary, quiet life running her business, with simple pleasures she never took for granted after her foster child upbringing.

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