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Read Midnight's Master (2012)

Midnight's Master (2012)

Online Book

3.09 of 5 Votes: 8
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0312552483 (ISBN13: 9780312552480)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Midnight's Master (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This one fell flat for me. Very cliche, kind of cheesy with soft and rather shallow characters. Too many gently phrase descriptions of passion and love making, with head thrashing and screaming, for me. The story line is okay but not unique or distinct at all. I feel like it blurs into other not so great stories I have read. Brogue is there but only using a handful of words, which got pretty repetitive after a while. This series is also a spin off to another, and I didn't realize that until I was several chapters in. Not that it couldn't stand as it's own series, but my OCD won't let me read out of order, so that was bugging me too. The writing in this one however, is just not what I expected from Grant. I am hoping this is just one bad apple. I would like to move to the next book in the series and test my theory, but I'm not in any hurry. Although Midnight's Master is the first book in the Dark Warrior's series, I would recommend reading the Dark Sword series first. This book picks up at the end of the Dark Sword series. The Warriors are still fighting Deirdre, who has been pulled through time into the future. The druids at MacLeod castle manage to send 4 warriors into the future to pursue her and their missing Warrior brother, Ian. Logan is thrown forward into 2012 and crosses paths with Gwynn, an American, who's come to Scotland to find her father. While Logan fights the darkness within himself, he helps Gwynn to discover the druid power that lies dormant within her. Now, if he could only rid himself of the darkness he carries, he may be a man worthy of her love.

What do You think about Midnight's Master (2012)?

Really really loved this one and will definitely go on reading!!!

Logan - Gwynn


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