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Read Midnight's Warrior (2012)

Midnight's Warrior (2012)

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0312552599 (ISBN13: 9780312552596)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Midnight's Warrior (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

"Midnight's Warrior" by Donna Grant. Book 4 in the Dark Warriors series.Really really enjoyed this installment in this series. Great action. Lots of magic. Great chemistry between the main characters Ramsey and Tara.Ramsey is half Druid and half Warrior. His people were destroyed by Deirdre centuries ago. Now that Deirdre is dead, Ramsey is assigned a new mission; to find and protect the Druid Tara. Their enemy, Declan Wallace, wants her and that can only mean bad things for Tara. When Ramsey finds Tara, there is an attraction between them that he just can't deny.Tara is a Druid. She's been on the run from Declan, her family and the Warriors for 10 years. She's alone and on the move constantly, never staying in one place to long. Until she meets Ramsey. She just can't get him out of her mind. Should she take a chance and get to know him? Even if she has to run again for her own safety?Very well written. Fabulous descriptions of the scenery. The chemistry between Ramsey and Tara is SO hot! LOVED the ending to this book! So exciting! Very good segue into the next book. Can't wait to read the next book in the series. 4 starsWell written, thought out, hottest love scenes yet, fast-paced filled with excitement, romance, humor and emotion!I loved it, can you tell?The mysterious, on-the-run Tara combined with the well-planned-thought, slow-to-anger Ramsey were just too perfect. Their romance was slam-jam-thank-you-Mam'am hot. The camaraderie these Warriors and Druids had for each other were touching and endearing. Such loyalty made immortallities fulfilled and much needed support when fighting evil...

What do You think about Midnight's Warrior (2012)?

3.8 stars. Not my favourite but I still liked it. I wouldn't read it again though.

This book had everything I like about Paranormal Romance really enjoyed it

This series just keeps getting better and better! Loved Ramsey and Tara!

Great fun read .. Magical..

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