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Read Prince Of Passion

Prince of Passion

Online Book

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Prince Of Passion - Plot & Excerpts

Over four years she’d waited for Keiran, holding onto the prediction Aimery had given her—a prediction that had made her leave Drahcir.  Aimery made her pledge not to tell anyone, not even her family, why she left the magical kingdom. Her family hadn’t understood and had tried everything but tying her to the bed to make her to stay. Leaving Drahcir had been the hardest thing she’d ever done.  It wasn’t until a month ago when Aimery had suddenly shown himself that she knew she hadn’t taken his word for naught. But what he’d told her left her with ice in her veins.  The Tnarg had found her.  For a month, she hadn’t ventured from the inn. If she did, it was in daylight with several people around her, and she never strayed from the village. The Tnarg might be vicious, but it wasn’t brave enough to barrel through a village and chance being hunted by the men.  Still, every night, she would lay awake wondering if it would get through the shutters she’d reinforced with iron.  Aimery had been positive the Tnarg would arrive any day, and she knew the beast was nearby, waiting for her.

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