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Read Shelter Me

Shelter Me

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Shelter Me - Plot & Excerpts

The night had been beyond horrible, but they were lucky. Very lucky.Her mother was home with her grandfather. He’d suffered a mild concussion from driving the Barge into a tree, totaling the car, but Lacey was terrified to let him out of her sight for even a minute. Mike had offered to feed all the animals so Sierra could get Trooper. How would they manage when Mike left?What would she do?As much as it hurt to think about, she was beginning to wonder if Gramps required a level of care beyond their scope at home. For his health and safety, was it time to consider some kind of assisted living facility?Before she could even chase that thought any further, the front door to the shelter opened and the director poked her head out. “Come on in, hon. We’re not open yet, but there’s no need for you to sit out here waiting.”Please Lord, she prayed Trooper was really inside and okay. It had been a horribly long night without him barking his head off at that blasted cuckoo clock.“Hope”

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