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Read Smoke And Fire: Part 3

Smoke and Fire: Part 3

Online Book

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St. Martin's Paperbacks

Smoke And Fire: Part 3 - Plot & Excerpts

It wasn’t just the long hours staring at the screen, frustration mounting with every search coming up empty. No, it was the dreams that plagued her sleep.
Dreams of Ryder.
Her stomach quivered with delight as she recalled one particular dream where she’d been sleeping on Ryder’s chest, his arm wrapped around her and caressing her back.
Then he began to talk, his words just above a whisper as he told her how much he missed her and how he wished he’d never left. He went on to say how many times he’d wished she were in his arms.
If only all of that were true. Kinsey tried to focus on the monitor as it scrolled through the e-mails, putting aside all those that were encoded—and there were dozens of them.
All of which were being deciphered by the software.
But it wasn’t the e-mails Kinsey kept thinking about. It was her dreams. They’d begun her first night at Dreagan. In the beginning, she wasn’t thrilled to have Ryder invade her mind again.
Perhaps it was because she was with him all day, but now she found herself eager for night so she could drift away to dreams of happiness with Ryder.

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