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Read The Craving (Rogues Of Scotland #1)

The Craving (Rogues of Scotland #1)

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The Craving (Rogues Of Scotland #1) - Plot & Excerpts

She glanced over and spotted Ina just before the old woman moved back into the shadows.“That was odd,” Meg said as they entered the castle. “I can’t remember the last time Ina left her cottage.”Ronan said not a word as he escorted her down the corridor. A glance at him showed Meg that anger and worry simmered just below the surface.“She won’t bother you,” Meg told him. “There will be little you can do to stop the gypsy.”“How do you know she’s a gypsy? No one has ever said anything like that about Ina.” Especially Aunt Tilly. In a short order of time, Meg had begun to think there really was something like magic in Scotland. And someone had to be able to use that magic.“I know what she is,” Ronan stated coldly. “It’s in her eyes, and the way she stared at me. A gypsy recognizes one who has been cursed.”Meg stopped and faced Ronan, forcing him to halt as well. “You earned your freedom.”“Have I? I’m no’ so sure. Knowing Ilinca, it wouldna be so easy as to find a woman who said I didna have to return to the mirror.

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