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Read The Deptford Mice 1: The Dark Portal

The Deptford Mice 1: The Dark Portal

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The Deptford Mice 1: The Dark Portal - Plot & Excerpts

Visitors in the Attic   There was no sign of Audrey anywhere, but Arthur and Twit guessed at once where she had gone. They knew nothing of the brief desperate struggle that had taken place moments before and how, overwhelmed and defeated, Audrey had been dragged through the Grille by sharp, snatching claws. Arthur thought the worst of his sister.
‘She’s gone back in,’ he gasped in disbelief. ‘She vowed to Mother she wouldn’t and yet as soon as she’s on her own what does she do? Ups and goes back down there!’ Unpleasant thoughts began to form in his mind. He thought how dishonest his sister was. Every little thing which irritated him about her was magnified unreasonably in his mind. He remembered any slight selfish act, recalled every small meanness. He was experiencing just one of the powers of the Grille: a wicked sorcery which turned friends into enemies and curdled innocence.
Arthur’s face turned sour and his plump; cheerful head became ugly with hate.
The humble charms daubed in great faith around the Grille were not strong enough to protect him.

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