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Read The Family Jewels

The Family Jewels

Online Book

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Frog Prints Publishing

The Family Jewels - Plot & Excerpts

She'd stopped off and grabbed a spring patterned silk scarf, and had to hope that it didn't draw too much attention to her neck. She was already going to be on shaky ground trying to explain how she'd managed to get Dominic in custody.
    She slid the key in the lock and announced her arrival as she stepped in. Monica was standing in the living room, packing some things into her overnight bag.
    "Hey!" Monica said, making a beeline toward Sadie and throwing her arms around her. "Oh my God, Sadie." Monica buried her face into Sadie's neck, her whole body shaking.
    "I can't thank you enough. I really can't." She pulled away, the relief on her face making the last of Sadie's apprehension fade away. "For the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful and excited for tomorrow." Sadie set down her purse and made for the kitchen. "I'm so glad I could help. Did you eat something yet?" "I'm scheduled off today, so I'm going to go to my apartment and make a meal there.

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