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Read The Whitby Witches 1 - The Whitby Witches

The Whitby Witches 1 - The Whitby Witches

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The Whitby Witches 1 - The Whitby Witches - Plot & Excerpts

Jennet sat on the tombstone and hugged her knees. 'Great Aunt Connie?' Miss Boston held on to her hat and nodded. 'She was one of my pupils,' she said. 'A good student but never made any use of her education—shameful waste.' 'And you say she wrote to you about Ben and me?' 'Yes, over the years we have kept a correspondence going. She was very fond of your mama, you know, and when she heard about the accident, well...' They had climbed the hundred and ninety-nine steps to the top of the East Cliff in order to see the abbey, only to find it was too late and the man in the office had gone home. Still, there was plenty to see.
    At the top of the steps was St Mary's church, a solid building surrounded by ancient graves whose stones were nearly worn smooth. They had settled themselves on a large, mossy tomb while Ben ran off to play among the stones and lean into the strong wind.
    There was a magnificent view of the town below. On the West Cliff, directly opposite, bedroom lights were flickering on and the glitter of the arcades was becoming more noticeable in the gathering dusk.

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