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Read Against The Wall

Against the Wall

Online Book

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Against The Wall - Plot & Excerpts

But this time I really want to go. I’m not going to pout as I get dressed. I’m not second guessing my motives. The idea of going out on a real date with my new boyfriend couldn’t make me feel any happier.
It’s funny, really. Since last week when Matty and I finally confessed our love for each other—well, I finally told him I loved him, he’s been telling me he loves me for months—he hasn’t gone home. But this morning, after breakfast, he kissed me goodbye and was out the door. What a goof. He wants to pick me up and that won’t work if we both get ready at my house. So he went home.
The radio is blaring a mix of dance music, slow songs, and country throughout my house. I love setting the player to random picks and just being surprised by what comes through the speakers. After spending over an hour in the shower washing, exfoliating, moisturizing, my body feels silky smooth. It helps I shaved my legs from the tops of my thighs all the way down to my toes. I’d been doing this already, but I took special care today so I wouldn’t miss a spot.

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