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Read Without You

Without You

Online Book

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Julie Prestsater

Without You - Plot & Excerpts

We were all on cloud nine and the day was just getting started. The reception would continue with dinner, the traditional wedding routines, and lots of dancing. It was essentially an adult prom, nothing different than we what did in high school. The only difference was that we didn’t have to sneak off at the end of the night and try to find a place to make out. Evan and I had a home of our own to enjoy, no sneaking needed.
    As we slid out of the limousine, Evan bent down and whispered in my ear, “I’ll see you in a minute.”
    “Where did he rush off to?” Genna asked.
    I shrugged.
    We waited in the foyer, just outside the ballroom. The wedding planner stood in the doorway, waiting to give us our cue to walk in and take our seats. Evan wasn’t back yet and I was getting worried. I didn’t care if I had to walk in alone. I just wanted to know he was okay.
    When it was our turn, I looked back over my shoulder to Genna and Luke and they looked just as bewildered as me.

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