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Read After Hours

After Hours

Online Book

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After Hours - Plot & Excerpts

Was it five? Six? Later? For a second I cared, then the weight of Kelly’s arm registered, a pleasurable anchor draped over my ribs.
    One of my hands was limp and numb and I fidgeted as gently as I could, trying not to wake him. I thought I’d succeeded for a breath, then he let loose a low, groggy noise.
    I craned my neck, watching his eyes open to the narrowest slits.
    “Good morning, Kelly.”
    Sleep had left me fearless, and the morning chill had me craving his heat. I grasped his wrist and lay his arm along my waist, wriggling closer. In the back of my head, I knew I wouldn’t be so snuggly with Kelly, were I more awake. But just now . . .
    No blanket was this cozy, no comforter so warm and encapsulating.
    He did as I secretly wished, tugging me close. A happy noise hummed against my neck, chased by the lazy press of his lips.

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