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Read Cupid Has A Heart-On (The Holidays #2)

Cupid Has a Heart-On (The Holidays #2)

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Tara Sivec

Cupid Has A Heart-On (The Holidays #2) - Plot & Excerpts

Closing the door to the taxi, I smack my hand on the roof to let the driver know he can leave, then turn to face my friend, Alex, as the car takes off.
“Dude, it’s fine. I told you, Noel’s family is awesome. A tad on the crazy side, but awesome. Her mother will fawn all over you and force-feed you leftovers.”
Pulling my phone out of my back pocket as we head up the front walk, I sigh when I see Noel still hasn’t replied to my text that training ended a few days early. Or returned my three voicemails.
“You are so whipped,” Alex laughs on the way up the steps to the porch. “This chick must have a magic vagina.”
“You have no idea,” I mutter, shoving the phone back in my pocket and shifting my backpack higher onto my shoulder.
Alex Rose—also known as Sweet Child since his name is so similar to that of the rock legend, Axel Rose—is one of my closest friends and partner-in-crime in the Marines. He’d given me so much shit about my whirlwind love affair with Noel over the last few days, I decided the only way to shut him up was to invite him home with me to meet her.

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