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Read Curio Vignettes 02 Craving

Curio Vignettes 02 Craving

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc.

Curio Vignettes 02 Craving - Plot & Excerpts

I sit cross-legged at the edge of the bed, fidgeting with my nails.“I will show you what I have,” he says, setting a chair before me then hefting Pandora’s sex-toy chest onto the chair. “If something sparks your interest, perhaps you would like to hear about the sort of woman who requests it?”“Sure.”“And if our bodies end up being all we need from each other tonight, then we are not so very unfortunate, no?” He gives me a teasing look, quieting my buzzing nerves some.“Sounds good.”He sits, leaving room between us, and leans forward to open the lid. “Here. You choose, my little curator.”I smile at that. It does feel a bit like opening a crate of new arrivals at the museum, and my anxiety turns to giddiness. I choose a rolled towel, unfolding the soft terrycloth to reveal the same smooth glass dildo I’d peeked at weeks ago.“I saw this one. It’s beautiful.” It’s crystal-clear save for a ribbon of deep blood-red spiraling through the core. There’s the vague suggestion of a head, but other than that it’s pretty innocuous, an eight-inch cylinder, slightly curved and slightly tapered.

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