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Read Love And Lists (Chocoholics)

Love and Lists (Chocoholics)

Online Book

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Love And Lists (Chocoholics) - Plot & Excerpts

A total disaster,” I complain with a sigh.
“I’m confused. How was it a disaster when you touched his penis?”
I glare at Rocco and signal the bartender for a refill of my Moscato. This is going to take a lot of booze.
“I think I’m going to need you to start at the beginning because I really don’t understand what the problem is. You’ve been following the list we made and things are moving along quite well, if I do say so myself,” Rocco replies, giving himself a pat on the back.
I’ve done something stupid. Something really, really stupid and now that it’s done, I can’t take it back. And no, I’m not talking about shoving my hand down Gavin’s pants last night. That wasn’t stupid, that was genius. Contrary to popular belief, I’ve never touched a penis before. Wait, that sounds bad. That sounds like everyone thinks I go around touching penises. No one thinks I’m a slut. At least I hope they don’t. But I’m pretty sure they think I gave up the goods to some idiot in high school that was in Gavin’s band.

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