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Read Tattoos And TaTas (Chocoholics #2.5)

Tattoos and TaTas (Chocoholics #2.5)

Online Book

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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Tattoos And TaTas (Chocoholics #2.5) - Plot & Excerpts

Still too many years ago to count…   “YOU GUYS! THERE’S a party at Pi Kappa Phi tonight! You absolutely HAVE to go!”
Claire and I glanced up from our spot on the floor of our dorm room where we’d been looking through our pile of VHS movies trying to decide if it was a Girls Just Want to Have Fun or The Lost Boys kind of night. We tried not to groan when we saw Candy standing in the doorway.
After years of us telling her point blank to her face that she was entirely too fucking chipper to be friends with us, she still hadn’t gotten the hint. Imagine our surprise when she enrolled in the same college as us two years ago and made sure we all lived in the same dorm.
“Wow, that sounds like a blast, but we have a project due on Monday testing the abhorrent amount of genetic mutations in certain female subjects with ecdysiast-related given names. Sorry,” Claire told her with a shrug.
Candy stared at her in confusion for a few seconds before rolling her eyes and giggling. “I swear, one of these days I’m going to get you two to go to a Pi Kappa Phi frat party and it’s going to change your lives.”

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