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Dangerous Highlander (2009)

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0312381220 (ISBN13: 9780312381226)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Dangerous Highlander (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

The beginning of an amazing series… This is the first book in her paranormal series Dark Swords. Her unlikely heroes are not vampires or werewolves, but the MacLeod’s, a trio of brothers, Scottish Highland warriors from the 1300’s who have ancient gods from hell unbound within them. Because of their fear of giving in to the evil of the god within them, they live separate away from other humans, until a beautiful, young woman wanders too close to their castle and is injured. The middle brother, Lucan, is immediately drawn to her. But Cara is not just any female, she is a good druid and is being hunted by a most powerful and evil druid, Deidra. For over 300 years, the MacLeod’s have remained impartial and lived in secret, hiding from Deidra, but Lucan’s rescue of Cara has brought them back to Deidra’s attention. They now must decide whether to hide again or to take a stand and fight. Donna does a wonderful job of creating a whole new world, complete with history and surrounded by magic, both evil and good. I don’t like period reads. That being said, this is not a period read. This is an excellent and original paranormal read intermingled with romance that transports the reader back to the magic, legends, and stories of Scotland. With monsters, gods, druids, and romance, this is the series to read. Dayreader Reviews gives a strong 4 stars**** for the beginning of a wonderful and unique series! sempre gostei de séries de highlanders e também sempre gostei daquelas em que os personagens São possuidos por deuses demônios o que seja, a donna grant conseguiu juntar as duas e adorei.neste primeiro livro conhecemos os três irmãos macleods lucan quiin e fallon que além de Verem a sua família ser destruída ainda vivem a 3 mil anos escondidos e com um deus malefico dentro de cada um deles. está e a história do lucan e da cara uma druida que não sabe o que e e descobre o castelo onde os irmãos se escondem e com ela vamos aprendendo o que São os wariors quem e a dreide e o que ela fez aos irmãos e o mundo em geral que a autora final conhecemos mais warions o Galen o logan por exemplo e também fiquei super curiosa com a história deles.o quiin foi capturado pela dreide novamente no final do livro e Tou ansiosa pr ver o que se segue.

What do You think about Dangerous Highlander (2009)?

I did not finish. Did want to finish.

Another great series by Donna

Lucan - Cara

3.5 stars!!!

3.7 Star

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