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Read Wicked Highlander (2010)

Wicked Highlander (2010)

Online Book

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0312381247 (ISBN13: 9780312381240)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

Wicked Highlander (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

This was quite suspenseful, I kept on reading because I wanted to find out how they'll be able to get out of the mountain, and how the MacLeod brothers' reunion would go about.There's a lot of brutality and gore and I like how Ms Grant wrote them, there's no sugarcoating, violence is a bloody mess, and the evilness is pure.I'm still wondering if Deirdre is alive, it seemed to easy to kill her when they banded together. Quinn was finally able to have William for himself and he made good use of the time for revenge.I'm reading the next book. Goodreads recommended Midnight's Master Dark Warriors#1 based on books I had read. Wouldn't you know it I fell in love with all of the Warriors! Since then I have been obsessed with Them and their Druids. I had to go back to the Dark Swords Series to quenched my obsession and satisfy my withdrawals. Of the Macleod brothers, Quinn caught my interest and his mate Marcail. Wicked Highlander was beautifully written. This novel took place in Deirdre's Cairn Toul Mountain where Warriors and Druids were incarcerated and enslaved by Deirdre. It was an amazing read and such an enlightening stories. It gave me a better understanding the Warriors plotting to defeat Deirdre. Their imprisonment in the hands of this evil drough and her demise, of Charon spying for Deirdre and Broc as a double agent per se, Phelan's unique blood, the spell to bind the God buried deep in Marcail's brain and Isla's enslavement. It was an enjoyable read. Moving on to Hayden and Isla's story.

What do You think about Wicked Highlander (2010)?

Quinn rocks! This story line helps I introduce the next books in this series.

quinn!!!! yum yum!!!!

Quinn is a favorite!

**3.5 stars**


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